Aviva describes herself as one of the "lucky" people walking around with two rare autoimmune diseases that not only make her pregnancy high-risk, but which could have taken her life before she would have ever met her kids or even got married. The miracles and extraordinary medical professionals that brought Aviva to becoming pregnant allowed her to witness something she hardly allowed herself to hope about: becoming pregnant with their first child. Aviva shares the importance of waiting for that second opinion that gives you hope rather than to worry.
Up Next in Season 1
Aviva's Story, Part Two- Unexpected B...
Now that Aviva has become pregnant, her journey is really just beginning, with two rare autoimmune disorders making her pregnancy care as unique as anyone could imagine. As an expectant mother, Aviva shares with Dr. Fox how important it was to have people around you who are empathetic, kind, and ...
Occiput Posterior (OP) - A Sunny Side...
Does it matter which way a baby comes out of the birth canal, or which way it's facing during a C-section? For people in labor, not necessarily, as many different head positions result in healthy, safe deliveries, although labor times are often longer for people who don't deliver "the normal way....
Redrop_ _Yoga_ Giving Back_ - Yoga wi...
We're featuring a redrop episode for this 4th of July week. We revisit an older discussion about the benefits of Yoga. Dr. Fox interviews his daughter, Kira Fox, who has been a certified yoga instructor since age 15. In this episode, they discuss how she started yoga, what it’s like to be an inst...