

  • Anne S. Episode 2

    Anne S. relives her first birth experience and emphasizes the importance of advocating for yourself even if your birth options seem limited.

  • Jenny B. Episode 6

    For high energy and high activity people, settling down during the last few weeks of pregnancy can be a daunting change of pace. Luckily, Jenny keeps herself busy physically getting the nest ready while mentally preparing for her birth and after birth. Check out Episode 6 of Jenny's Journey on th...

  • Anne S. Episode 4

    Anne talks about her dislike of the term "advanced maternal age". Being pregnant at 47 years old has its challenges but age is only one factor when it comes to a healthy pregnancy.

  • The Mama Sherpas

    From executive producers Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein (The Business of Being Born), this topical new documentary, directed by Brigid Maher, examines a growing shift in the birthing industry: the rise of Caesarean sections. With C-section rates dangerously over 30% in America, are midwives the solu...

  • Megan E. Episode 8

    48 hours into labor Megan tries out a warm bath as she rides the contraction waves but at 2am the cramp in her side returns. 51 hours into labor she makes the empowered choice to go to the hospital and get an epidural.

  • Anne S. Episode 1

    Anne S., 47 years young, is pregnant with her 2nd child. Anne shares her struggle to balance work, motherhood, and pregnancy while sustaining a very active lifestyle which includes horseback riding several times a week.

  • Anthea C. Episode 7

    After hitting "The Wall" Anthea accesses her inner strength and soon begins pushing guided by her intuition alone with no coaching. Tune in as she guides us through the end of her birth and finishes this 'Real Midwives' journey by talking through the juxtaposition of her two births and what she ...

  • Anthea C. Episode 4

    After meeting with her doctor to discuss her vaginal breech delivery, Anthea finds out that her baby has turned head down! She has now switched back to planning her dream home-birth experience, while still keeping the hospital as a backup plan should the baby flip again. Will her baby stay head d...

  • Anne S. Episode 7

    Anne joins us with her new baby and her midwife Blyss Young to discuss the final weeks of her pregnancy. After telling her doctor she wanted to attempt a home birth they refused to treat her and she was tasked to find another doctor at 36 weeks pregnant.

  • Megan E. Episode 1

    Megan E. has a background as a professional dancer and is now a soon-to-be-new-mom. As we embark on this new Real Midwives journey Megan tells us about her early dance career, going on a national tour at age 16, and realizing her dream of dancing alongside river-dance icon Michael Flatley.

  • Jenny B. Episode 9

    With her bag of fluids confirmed to be ruptured Jenny is on the clock and hoping that her labor will progress before 24 hours elapse. Despite the pressure and the sleep deprivation, Jenny is in good spirits, powering through her surges and heads to Victoria Secret for some shopping for some post...

  • Anthea C. Episode 6

    Three days past her due date, Anthea starts feeling contractions. At 5:30am the birthing team arrives and as labor intensifies Anthea calms her mind to help overcome the physical intensity.

  • The Real Midwives of Los Angeles

    6 seasons

    The Real Midwives of Los Angeles is a streaming video series hosted by pregnancy focused chiropractor Dr. Elliot Berlin.

    The series aims to share the pregnancy and childbirth experiences of real women - and real practicing midwives join to help unpack and process each unique story.

  • Anne S. Episode 15

    With baby Virginia in her arms, Anne reflects back on her journey and ponders what, if anything, she would have changed. Anne gives us a glimpse into her VBAC recovery and how it differed from her cesarean birth recovery seven years prior. Spoiler Alert: Just five weeks post-birth Anne is back ri...

  • Megan E. Episode 5

    In the final weeks before her birth window, Megan is turning her fear into excitement, feels confident in her birth team and visualizes what it might be like to dance her baby out.

  • Anthea C. Episode 3

    Now pregnant with baby number two, Anthea is once again planning for a home birth when she once again finds out that this baby is also breech. Unfortunately, the doctor who attended her original vaginal breech delivery has retired. With her options severely limited, the pressure is on for Anthea...

  • Anthea C. Episode 1

    After spending her pregnancy preparing for a midwife home birth, Anthea finds out at 33 weeks that her baby is breech. Tune in as we start a new journey on The Real Midwives.

  • Anthea C. Episode 2

    After exhausting all of the known methods, modalities and procedures, the baby still refuses to turn and Anthea decides to go for a vaginal breech birth at the hospital.

  • Jenny B. Episode 10

    20 hours into her labor journey Jenny’s family takes a break for dinner while Dr. Berlin combines aromatherapy, massage therapy, and a little humor to help Jenny relax in mind and body and surrender into her contractions. Despite the calming environment, some anxiousness bubbles up knowing that ...

  • Megan E. Episode 9

    In the final episode of Journey 1 with Megan, we find out how the birth of her baby turned out including her personal experience and reactions.

  • Jenny B. Episode 8

    Jenny checks into a hotel following her unique birth plan to labor at a hotel across the street from the hospital and to walk across when she is ready to deliver. After checking in for her 'labor day' stay, Jenny orders room service (womb service?) and takes leisure walks in and around the hotel....

  • Jenny B. Episode 7

    Jenny's baby has arrived! And with their arrival comes the start of a new journey. In episode 7, Jenny takes us through the final days of pregnancy and beginning of her labor together with insight from childbirth educator, doula, and student midwife Katie Hamilton. Check out Episode 7 of Jenny's...

  • Megan E. Episode 3

    Megan talks about switching careers from professional dance to becoming a photography agent. Thanks to her husbands new found hobby, woodworking, they have a brand new handmade crib and rocking chair for the nursery. Now 34 weeks pregnant Megan is craving everything citrus as she counts down the...

  • Milk Trails

    1 season

    Milk Trails is a podcast dedicated to the out-of-hospital birth experience. Sharing stories can help reduce fear and misunderstanding around childbirth. In each episode, licensed midwife, Hayley Oakes, interviews home birth and birth center parents about their experiences – including the choices ...