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Orgasmic Birth

How your first 1000 days hold the key to health, happiness and your Blueprint...


Up Next in Season 1

  • The initiatory power of birth with Da...

    Dawn Leonard is a womb healing practitioner who has devoted over a decade to the art of healing the womb space, including both the physical uterus and the energetics of the "second chakra". Her journey began with fertility and has since led her through a range of experiences, including pregnancy,...

  • Reimagining Baby Showers to Create Su...

    Kaitlin McGreyes is the founder of BeHerVillage, a gift registry for parents to find and fund the care they need as they welcome their babies. She began her career as a birth doula in 2014, providing support to hundreds of families through their parenthood journeys. Kaitlin has since founded a do...

  • Writing and Communicating Your Birth ...

    In this episode, Debra shares how expecting mothers can positively prepare for an orgasmic birth. From researching birth options to expressing feelings and wishes through birth art, Debra helps create a birth plan that reflects their preferences. She discusses ways to make labor enjoyable, such a...