Healthful Woman Podcast
“Pain, Pain, Go Away- Epidurals“ – with Dr. Zevi Hamburger .
Episode 95
Dr. Zevy Hamburger returns to Healthful Woman to explain epidurals: how they work, how they are administered, and the advantages of different types of pain relief during labor and delivery. Plus, he gives an update on his experience at Mt. Sinai Hospital through the Covid-19 crisis.
Up Next in Season 1
Pelvic Health and Pelvic Therapy - wi...
Rivki Chudnoff, MSPT, explains pelvic floor therapy. A physical therapist practicing in Bogota, New Jersey, Chudnoff discusses her training for this specialty and how physical therapy helps women with pelvic health issues.
Special 100th Episode The COVID Vacci...
For the 100th episode, Emily Oster returns to Healthful Woman to talk about the COVID vaccine. She explains how testing was done, how the vaccines work, whether they are safe for pregnant women, and more.
“How our Kids Learn, Part A_ IQ’s and...
Dr. Marla Baum, a child neuropsychologist, explains her process of helping children who are having difficulty learning or in school. In this episode, she reviews testing and development of treatment plans for kids. Plus, she and Dr. Fox briefly review the emotional regulation issues, fear, and an...