Fashion designer and entrepreneur Katya is nine months pregnant but that doesn't stop her from keeping up with her styling, heels and all, whenever she wants. Katya shares her early career story as well as past and current fashion inspirations and emphasizes how looking your best can be easy and fun during pregnancy. Follow along as we embark on a new pregnancy and birth Journey on The Real Midwives of Los Angeles.
Up Next in Katya S
Katya S. Ep 2
Katya is planning an all natural birth at a hospital with support from her husband and their doula. She is now five days past her due date with mild cramping and she is 1 cm dilated. Induction comes up as an option but Katya opts to wait a few more days before doing any medical intervention. As...
Katya S. Ep 3
At 41 weeks and 3 days, Katya reluctantly agrees to labor induction and has a big and Immediate reaction after a "Foley bulb" is placed.
Katya S. Ep 4
Katya feels intense pressure to induce labor even though her body doesn't feel ready. In this episode midwife, Aleks Evanguelidi joins us to help process Katya's birth journey. Learn about what it means to find meconium in the amniotic fluid and the importance of choosing a birth professional w...