Mindful Movement

Mindful Movement

Hi! I'm Natalie, and I am so glad you're here! I have dedicated my life to making movement more fun and accessible for everyone, especially moms who are busy and who have realized there's a whole bunch of stuff they didn't tell you about...like your pelvic floor, and how to actually activate your core, what to do if you're leaking when you lift or laugh, and how to recover well from pregnancy and birth.

My history in teaching Pilates and doula work led me to learn that there's so much we can do preventatively and restoratively through exercise for things like pelvic pain, diastasis recti, incontinence, and other common aches and pains that come with the demanding job of motherhood.

I've created this course because my clients were asking for it! They wanted something that would walk them through how to be more mindful in movement, and give them not only ways they can move more throughout the day, but also short exercise videos they can do if they have a spare moment.

I live in Palmer, Alaska, and when I'm not podcasting or teaching, I spend my days taking walks, baking sourdough, and hanging out with my husband Micah and our kitty. I wear minimal shoes and could talk all day about birth, natural living, and low-tox life.

The letters: BS in Kinesiology, Doula, Pre/Postnatal Exercise Specialist, Core Confidence Education Master Trainer

Mindful Movement
  • Intro & About Natalie’s Philosophy on Movement

    Movement can be fun, intuitive, and sustainable. Here’s a little background on my philosophy of movement.

  • Module 1 - Lesson 1: Anatomy & Physiology of the Pelvic Floor and Deep Core

    We’re going to talk about the anatomy and physiology of the pelvic floor and core. Before you mentally go back to your anatomy class, hear me out: It’s important to learn these foundational principles before starting to integrate it into your movement, because once you internalize how these muscl...

  • Module 1 - Lesson 2: Postural Adjustments

    We’re going to talk about posture….did you sit or stand up a little bit taller and lift your chest up? Maybe that’s what you’ve been told for years is great posture. We’re going to shift the paradigm a bit in this lesson.

  • Module 1 - Lesson 2a: Muscle Releases

    This will give you a great place to start on releasing some of those non-optimal patterns and compensatory muscles in your body. It’s good to figure out what is holding on too tightly so that you can come back and review these whenever you need!

  • Module 1 - Lesson 2b: More on Minimal Footwear

    Our feet are the foundation of our entire body; if they’re not stable, strong, and resilient, neither will our pelvic floor be. It’s important to consider how your footwear affects the rest of your body!

  • Module 1 - Lesson 3: Syncing Breathing with Movement

    You have already learned the fundamentals of the anatomy and physiology and how we can start to release and realign our muscles to improve our alignment. We can now start the process of retraining the pelvic food and core by re-learning how to breathe, which is part of the strengthening piece! Th...

  • Module 2 - Lesson 1: Moving Throughout the Day

    Did you know that if we add more throughout the day rather than just waiting for that uninterrupted hour workout, we will not only feel way better throughout the day, but we will be less anxious if we don’t end up getting to that one and only opportunity to move during the day. Studies have shown...

  • Module 2 - Lesson 2: Basic Lifting

    Welcome to the lesson about lifting! I’m so glad you’re here. Now, if you have done any lifting before, you are probably excited about this one. If you haven’t, you might be feeling a little nervous, or overwhelmed. Whichever camp you’re in, you’re in the right place. We are going to cover what t...

  • Module 2 - Lesson 3: Progressing Exercises

    You might be wondering, when should I progress my exercises? This can feel like an overwhelming question, especially when we search the internet for answers. It seems there are endless possibilities for exercises..and there are!...but it’s difficult to know where to start. You’re in the right pla...

  • Module 2 - Lesson 4: Modifying Exercises

    You might wonder how and when you should modify exercises. Just like progressions, the answer depends on you! Let’s break down the reasons you might want to modify, and then we’ll go over five ways you can change up exercises.

    Pelvic PT Directory: https://pelvicguru.com/

  • Module 2 - Lesson 5: Intro to Dysfunctional Symptoms & What to Do About Them

    Welcome to module 2, lesson 5, the one about dysfunction. You might be tempted to skip this lesson until you’re experiencing symptoms, but I would encourage you to learn as much as you can now.
    Pelvic PT Directory: https://pelvicguru.com/

  • Module 2 - Lesson 5a: Incontinence

    Leaking when you laugh, cough, sneeze, jump, or run isn't just part of being a mom. This is common but not normal: we can improve it!!

  • Module 2 - Lesson 5b: Pain & A Note on Painful Sex

    You are not alone in your pain!

    Start by finding a pelvic floor PT in your area: https://pelvicguru.com/

  • Module 2 - Lesson 5c: Pelvic Organ Prolapse

    Prolapse can sound intimidating and overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be.
    Encouraging resource on pelvic organ prolapse (POP): https://www.popuplifting.com/blog

  • Module 2 - Lesson 5d: Diastasis Recti

    Not just about the gap. 😉 It's about so much more. Global core recruitment strategies, controlling intra-abdominal pressure, breathing well, moving mindfully.

  • Module 2 - Lesson 5e: Scar Tissue Massage

    Always check with your provider before trying scar tissue massage, and make sure your scar has healed before you begin.

  • Module 3 - Lesson 1: Push Pull Squat Lunge Framework

    In this lesson, I’m going to take you through a formula for creating the best workout with one framework. Effective and mindful training is straightforward. You can always spice it up with variations, but when it comes down to it, there are functional exercises and then there are moves that just ...

  • Module 3 - Lesson 1a: A Note on Cardio & Return to Running Postpartum

    My favorite resources for returning to running:
    Find a good pelvic PT who's well-versed in return to impact/running, as well as natural footwear. Find one here and call to interview them before going in: https://pelvicguru.com/

    Article by the British Journal of Sports Medicine on postnatal retur...

  • Module 3 - Lesson 2: Super Sets & Super Moves

    Super sets are sets where you double up on opposite exercises and super moves are what I call movements that incorporate multiple “exercises” in one. A squat-press for example. They allow you to shorten your workout while getting more bang for your buck.

  • Module 3 - Lesson 3: No Magic Number: The Truth Behind Sets & Reps

    People will always try to sell you the “best program” out there for women. Or the best program out there for lifting a certain weight. And these have their merit and are rooted in progressive overload. BUT. We’re going for sustainability, mindful movement, and knowing when to progress, and when t...

  • Module 4 - Lesson 1: Balance Beam Workout

    Practice on a 2x4, a line in your flooring, or another type of beam! My beam is from The Foot Collective. You can shop their store here: https://tfchardgoods.com/collections/classic-beam

    5 minute balance work - on beam
    - Stand on one leg
    - Single leg clocks
    - Tandem stance with one foot in f...

  • Module 4 - Lesson 2: Shoulder Stability Workout

    5 minute shoulder strength
    equipment needed: one resistance band
    - Shoulder warm-up (Slice in a quadrapod position x10 alternating sides)
    - Rhomboid pushups
    - Banded arm lifts
    - IYT x10 for each
    - Thread the needle

  • Module 4 - Lesson 3: Hip Stability Workout

    5 minute hip strength workout
    - 90/90 stretches
    - Glute bridges
    - Side leg lifts
    - Pigeon stretch
    - Deep squat

  • Module 4 - Lesson 4: Coffee Workout

    5.5 minute AMRAP
    Equipment required: dumbbells of moderate weight
    - 30 seconds squat press
    - 30 seconds rest
    - 55 seconds hip hinge with bent over row
    - 30 seconds rest
    - 30 seconds asymmetrical squat press (one dumbbell)
    - 15 seconds rest
    - 30 seconds asymmetrical squat press other side

  • Module 4 - Lesson 5: Full Body Workout - No Equipment

    10 minute full body workout without equipment
    - Prone get ups
    - Tripod transitions
    - Crawling
    - Inverse crawling
    - 90-90 get ups
    - lunge step throughs

  • Module 4 - Lesson 6: Full Body Workout with Weights

    10 minute full body workout with dumbbells
    - Squat press
    - Bent over rows
    - Step ups
    - Half kneeling chops
    - Deadlifts

  • Module 4 - Lesson 7: Upper Body with Weights

    Upper body workout
    Equipment: dumbbells
    - Quad slice and dice warm up
    - Rhomboid pushups
    - Banded warm ups
    - Single arm overhead press against wall
    - Single arm row
    - Floor press
    - Upright rows
    - Reverse flys
    - Bicep curls
    - hangs

  • Module 4 - Lesson 8: Lower Body with Weights

    10 minute lower body workout
    Equipment: dumbbells, box or bench
    - Squats
    - Step ups
    - Deadlifts
    - Split squats

  • Module 4 - Lesson 9: Mobility Flow stretch and release

    10 minute mobility flow
    - Deep squats
    - 9090
    - Globe arms
    - Thread the needle
    - Hip circles
    - Foot mobility
    - QL stretch

  • Module 4 - Lesson 10: Toe Work: strengthen your feet

    Get those feet moving!

  • Module 4 - Lesson 11: Push Prep Workout: get your pelvis movin' for birth

    Other recommended resources for preparing for birth:

    - Lily Nichols Real Food for Pregnancy Book(great for postpartum too)

    - The 50 postpartum meals that freeze well from Lily’s site

    - Evidence Based Birth (non-biased informat...

  • Module 4 - Lesson 12: Return to Impact: wanna run or jump?

    Adding impact back in! Jumping/running progressions
    - Single leg stance
    - Fast running man lunges
    - Jump downs
    - Double leg pretend jumps to actual jumps
    - Single leg pretend jumps to actual jumps

    The attached download is for you only and not to be distributed and shared online - thank you!

  • Module 4 - Lesson 13: Downtraining: help your pelvic floor chill out

    Remember to breathe.